Operational Due Diligence
The goal of conducting an Operational Due Diligence is to allow the stakeholder to determine the current maturity, risks involved and the opportunities for improvement in the business’s operations infrastructure.
Our objective at &d is to determine whether the business has proactively designed its operations infrastructure with deliberation and intent or whether it was allowed to grow organically, with calculated returns metrics.
&d’s value addition in operations has a measurable and focused approach with the objective to move up on the maturity index which eventually improves the various operational metrics.
Our deliverable is to provide a comprehensive and unbiased report which will clearly help the stakeholder make an informed decision on their investment. Thus, this process also helps gain an insight into the alignment of their business with their investment objectives.
&d's ODD Framework
&d's ODD Approach
Post Investment Transformation (PIT)
Continue working with us Post Investment to mitigate risks and convert potentials.