The focus of this workshop is to train and make the “Continuous” in Continuous Improvement initiatives stand out.
Continuous Improvement projects has had a history of enthusiasm dying down, because of the time it takes to get to a desired target, constant change in the business environment, change in people moving in and out of the company.
Only the tools and techniques of a Continuous Improvement program can get you 30% of the success, while the remaining 70% is attributed to the People involved. When we talk about people, we mean everyone from the management to the workmen.
&diligence’s Continuous Improvement Workshop, in partnership with IDOS Consulting does exactly that! We’ve built a program that brings real-time visual collaboration, in depth knowledge sessions and proactive diagnosis by the coaches to tackle moving targets in your company.
The 6-month workshop starts off with 3 days of intense sessions called the “CI Experts” training on some key tools and techniques used for bringing improvements followed by a day of Kaizen brainstorming sessions to identify projects and establish milestones.
These projects are plotted onto an Agile board of an interactive management software provided by &diligence. The Management, Project Leads, Project members and Coaches are all on the same platform tracking every activity done on the project, time spent, providing real time insights rather than waiting for presentations, and most importantly, real time diagnosis of roadblocks by coaches through integrated video calls and chats.
The goal of this workshop is to build an agile team that continuously works on meeting the demands of an everchanging consumer with an enthusiasm that never dies down and collaboration that brings everyone closer to achieve a world class operational system.
There are hundreds of polls created and published online about the challenges faced by organizations implementing Lean. &diligence conducted an analysis of these published polls , to understand the top challenges faced by organizations while implementing Lean. It was found that 60% cited workmen and union resistance, followed by lack of awareness, and previous failures of projects were the top reasons.
While there is a Lean implementation program for engineers and managers, we went a step ahead in creating a program that also creates awareness among the people who will ultimately be at the receiving end of a Kaizen project- your operators or workmen on the floor. The intention is to purely create a better acceptance to change, and constant change at that, in the case of building a Lean culture.
Instead of filling their minds with complex information, the program focuses on what a Lean culture would mean to them and the company; the overall benefits and how they can support the team implementing Lean, or any improvement projects in the company. We have also crafted this program carefully to make it more interactive than a run of the mill lecture delivery. The session will be gamified and have several interactions in the form of role plays so that they actively understand the role they play for the success of the organization.
In the program every session, we will limit a batch of 40 people for 4 hours which will be delivered in the local language. Of course, the company will have to plan their resources in order for them to attend this half day session,
however the outcome will bring benefits that are far higher than the time invested for this program.
&diligence’s focus is to implement a world class operational system and that means everyone in the company has to be focused towards achieving excellence from the top management to the workmen. The Lean Training for the Blue Collar in partnership with IDOS Consulting ensures this is achieved, by the people responsible for creating the product.
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